Revista Brasileira de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação <p><strong>B3 (Capes 2017-2020)</strong></p> <p>A Revista Brasileira de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (ISSN 2359-4748) é uma publicação semestral ligada ao Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Inovação Tecnológica (PMPIT) e ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Ambiental (PPGCTA) da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro. A Revista RBCTI objetiva publicar contribuições inéditas nas áreas de conhecimento tais como engenharia, tecnologia, inovação e ciências ambientais.</p> <p><em>The Brazilian Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation (ISSN 2359-4748) is published half-yearly and is linked to the MSc. Program in Technological Innovation and to the MSc. Program in Environmental Science and Technology of the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba/MG, Brazil. The journal aims to publish contributions in the fields of engineering, technology, innovation and environmental sciences.</em></p> <p><em>La Revista Brasileña de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ISSN 2359-4748) de periodicidad semestral, está relacionada con el Programa Postgrado Máster Profesional en Innovación Tecnológica y con el Programa Postgrado en Ciencia y Tecnología Ambiental de la Universidad Federal del Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba/ MG, Brasil. La revista objetiva publicar contribuciones en las áreas de conocimiento de ingeniería, tecnología, innovación y ciencias ambientales.</em></p> <p> </p> pt-BR (Profa. Dra. Beatriz Gaydeczka) (Beatriz Gaydeczka) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 08:35:24 -0300 OJS 60 Analysis of quality of life of recyclable-material scavengers during the COVID-19 pandemic <p>Work conditions faced by those who handle waste and who are exposed to physical and psycho-social risks are factors influencing the quality of life of recyclable-material scavengers. Dangers deriving from the emergence of new, highly disseminated, epidemics/pandemics, such as COVID-19, add to adversities faced by scavengers. Accordingly, the aim of the present study is to assess the quality of recyclable-material scavengers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ponta Grossa County, Paraná State. The sample comprised 83 participants linked to scavengers’ association in this county. Scavengers answered the questionnaire about quality of life developed by the World Health Organization, also known as <em>Whoqol-bref</em>. Findings in the current study have shown that mean quality of life in <em>Whoqol-bref</em> reached 72.0 points (0-100 scale). The ‘environment’ domain recorded 63.5 points and the “social relationships’ one scored 71.0 points. These were the domains accounting for the lowest mean scores. The ‘physical’ and ‘psychological’ domains recorded the highest scores, 78.6 and 74.4, respectively. Based on this finding, it was possible observing the need to keep on going and to develop further studies about scavengers’ health to provide them with treatments linked to psycho-social issues, mainly when they live under adverse conditions, rather than just as the COVID-19 pandemic, but under other risks faced by these professionals in their work environments.</p> Ana Paula Almeida, Cleyton Cristiano Crovador, Maiza Karine Barcia, Tatiane Bonametti Veiga Copyright (c) 2023 Maiza Barcia, Ana Paula Almeida, Cleyton Cristiano Crovador, Tatiane Bonametti Veiga Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 Water from alternative supply sources in Paraná State: potability and map of vulnerable groups <p>The present study describes a survey based on data provided by the National Program of Water Quality Surveillance for Human Consumption, also known as <em>Vigiagua</em>, carried out between January 2020 and December 2022. Great challenges were observed in nine municipalities composing the 4<sup>th</sup> Health Regional of Paraná State. In total, 35.75% of all 2,078 analysis reports presented registration mistakes. Imbituva, Mallet and Rio Azul were the municipalities mostly affected by this issue. Quality of water significantly varied among municipalities; it showed high indices of both inconclusive or not-recorded reports in Inácio Martins, Teixeira Soares and Guamiranga. Fernandes Pinheiro was the municipality accounting for the largest number of non-compliant reports about water turbidity and contamination by <em>Escherichia coli. </em>The availability of Information about quality of water in alternative supply sources was limited, despite the large number of analyzed samples - some municipalities did not meet the standards set for <em>E. coli </em>presence. Based on cluster analysis, rural areas, and traditional peoples and communities, such as <em>faxinalenses </em>and indigenous peoples, are the most vulnerable ones.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Caroline Manzatto, Kátia Alexandra dos Santos, Paula Marques da Silva, Paulo Costa de Oliveira Filho, Kelly Geronazzo Martins Copyright (c) 2023 Caroline Manzatto Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 Changes in the provision of ecosystem services based on sidewalk tree-composition scenarios <p>Cities have been experiencing environmental and social issues due to urban expansion processes, be them planned or not. However, several environmental solutions have been proposed and sidewalk tree planting stands out among them. The aim of the current research is to assess the process to estimate ecosystem services under different sidewalk tree composition scenarios in Irati and Curitiba cities, Paraná State. In order to do so, 10 street segments from neighborhoods sampled in city-wide inventories were selected. Information about sidewalk length, curb ramps’ width, and number of utility poles was collected for each street segment. The number of trees to be fit in each segment and sampled neighborhood was determined based on safety recommendations for these urban structures. Tree dimensions (Diameter at Breast Height - DBH, total height and crown diameter) were projected for the 55th year post-planting, based on using minimum dimensions of seedlings from small, medium and large-sized species. It was done to estimate ecosystem services in i-Tree Eco software. Significant differences among floristic composition scenarios (p&lt;0.05) were observed for all ecosystem services in both cities. Compositions featuring large-sized species have show higher ability to provide ecosystem services, as well as higher monetary valuation, despite fitting a smaller number of trees in the assessed street segments. The herein formulated scenarios have shown the potential to increase the number of planted trees and to select compositions capable of maximizing ecosystem services’ provision and trees’ monetary value.</p> Beatriz Lima Francisco, Rogerio Bobrowski, Sidnei Antonio Crovador Junior, Gabriel Alves Santos, Jonathan Matheus Santos, Maria Eduarda Chami Copyright (c) 2023 Beatriz Lima Francisco, Sidnei Antonio Crovador Junior, Gabriel Alves Santos, Jonathan Matheus Santos, Maria Eduarda Chami, Rogerio Bobrowski Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 Assessing Horton and Kostiakov models focused on estimating soil water infiltration <p>Water infiltration into the soil plays key role in proper soil and water conservation and management processes. The aim of the current study is to assess water behavior in soil infiltration processes by using the Horton and Kostiakov models. Double-ring infiltrometer method was used to determine water infiltration into the soil. In addition, soil samples were collected at depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm, to determine soil moisture. Cumulative infiltration (IA) and instantaneous infiltration rates per time interval (TiR) were calculated. Equations describing the investigated phenomena were adjusted, according to the Horton and Kostiakov models. High water infiltration rate was observed at the beginning of the process, likely due to low moisture level at the top soil layer. Both models tend to underestimate the initial infiltration rate value. However, the Horton model tends to overestimate most of the instantaneous infiltration values up to 25 minutes. The Kostiakov model, on the other hand, tends to overestimate most of the instantaneous infiltration rate values after 80 minutes. Despite the large fluctuation observed in TiR values in the soil, the assessed models have satisfactorily described the infiltration behavior at the experimental site. Based on the heat map analysis, the Kostiakov model was the one capable of determining the infiltration values closest to actual one.</p> Robert William Florentino, Gabriel Ribeiro Tito Coelho, Murilo Henrique Zilch, Kelly Geronazzo Martins, Ana Carolina Barbosa Kummer, Tatiane Bonametti Veiga Copyright (c) 2023 Robert William Florentino, Gabriel Ribeiro Tito Coelho, Murilo Henrique Zilch, Kelly Geronazzo Martins, Ana Carolina Barbosa Kummer Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 Waste from sewage treatment plants used in soybean cultivation: its influence on crop development <p>The aim of the present study is to assess the effect of using composted sewage sludge (CSS) and wastewater from a sewage treatment plant (WW) on soybean plants’ development. Treatments were assessed through completely randomized design experiments carried out at split-plot arrangements based on nitrogen fertilization levels and types and on irrigation water nature – potable (WP) and wastewater (WW). Seven nitrogen fertilization levels were distributed into two plots represented by irrigation with WP and WW, namely: T0 = without nitrogen fertilization; T1 = 100% chemical nitrogen fertilization; T2 = 50% chemical nitrogen fertilization + 50% nitrogen fertilization via CSS; T3, T4, T5 and T6 corresponded to 100%, 150%, 200% and 250% CSS nitrogen fertilization, respectively. Conventional nitrogen fertilization replacement by CSS did not significantly change the behavior of the assessed variables: plant height and mass of 100 grains. This finding points towards the possibility of saving inputs by replacing chemical fertilization by organic fertilization. Irrigation with wastewater led to 37% increase in dry matter mass and 21% in mass of 100 grains.</p> Ana Carolina Barbosa Kummer, Cácea Furlan Maggi, Tatiane Bonametti Veiga, Helio Grassi Filho Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Carolina Barbosa Kummer, Tatiane Bonametti Veiga Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 Ecotoxicological assessment of timber-industry wastewater based on bioassays conducted with lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) <p style="font-weight: 400;">The Brazilian timber industry is one of the main activities in the national economy sector due to global increase in reforested wood consumption. Laminated veneer lumber stands out among wood-made products. The production of these materials accounts for generating liquid effluents with highly polluting features; therefore, it is essential acquiring ecotoxicological knowledge, which can be assessed through bioassays conducted with <em>Lactuca</em> <em>sativa</em> L seeds, which is the aim of the present study. Seed germination remained normal up to 75% effluent concentration. Approximately 20% of seeds presented inhibited germination under this condition. However, when 100% of effluent was used in the sample, 40% of seeds had their germination inhibited, likely due to chemical compounds, such as phenol, among other inorganic compounds. Seedling radicle recorded significant growth as effluent concentrations increased. Therefore, toxicological bioassays conducted with <em>L.</em> <em>sativa</em> seeds have proved to be effective in providing knowledge about potential environmental impacts in a simple, reliable and cost-effective manner.</p> Guilherme Gavlak, Carlos Magno de Sousa Vidal, Kely Viviane de Souza Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Magno de Sousa Vidal Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 Water quality analysis based on the presence of aquatic macroinvertebrates applied to water springs covered with soil-cement technique <div><span lang="EN-US">Human activities, such as deforestation and inappropriate waste disposal have had negative impact on watercourses, including water spring areas. The soil-cement technique is a low-cost and easily implementable option to safeguard water springs and to preserve watercourses. The aim of the preset study is to assess water quality in water springs in Prudentópolis City, Brazil by using this technique based on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities and land use in this location. In total, 1,236 macroinvertebrates belonging to 18 taxa were collected from 5 water springs. Species belonging to family Chironomidae prevailed in points A, B, C and E, since they represent approximately 42% of all collected insects. Tree Cover was the primary land use form in the assessed points. According to Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), different taxonomic groups had different responses to the assessed environmental factors. In conclusion, soil preservation, sustainable management and the cement technique, in combination to a set of preventive actions, were effective measures to ensure the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and water quality.</span></div> Eduardo Rodrigo Viana Mallet, Elynton Alves do Nascimento, Kelly Geronazzo Martins, Paulo Costa de Oliveira Filho Copyright (c) 2023 Eduardo Rodrigo Viana Mallet, Elynton Alves do Nascimento, Paulo Costa de Oliveira Filho, Kelly Geronazzo Martins Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300 Sustainable engineering: environmental and health studies Ana Paula Milla dos Santos Senhuk, Tatiane Bonametti Veiga, Beatriz Gaydeczka Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Paula Milla dos Santos Senhuk, Tatiane Bonametti Veiga, Beatriz Gaydeczka Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0300