Preventing COVID-19 among healthcare professionals through a virtual learning environment
Health Education, Disease prevention, Health personnel, Pandemics, COVID-19, Health CentersAbstract
Objective: to analyze the impact of educational intervention on preventing COVID-19 among health professionals. Methods: quasi-experimental epidemiological study with pre and post-test, with a quantitative analytical approach with correlation between variables carried out in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo. The study was divided into four stages: pre-test; team training; testing to detect antibodies against COVID-19 in a similar group from another health unit and in the researched group, and post-test. The educational intervention took place through a virtual learning environment using the WhatsApp chat application, with a total of four themes held weekly. Results: 30 professionals participated, of which 83.33% were women, 36.6% were nursing professionals, 30% were over 60 years old; 80% did not present risk conditions and 50% had secondary education. Regarding the function, in the group composed of administrative staff, attendants and cleaning services, it was observed that the variables demonstrated a statistical tendency towards significance, since the value of p=0.02 and 0.008, respectively, in the pre-test, and of p=0.01 and 0.004, in the post-tests. Comparing the values of the independent variables, before and after the intervention, an increase in the mean, median and mode values and a reduction in deviation and standard error are noted. From the results obtained from testing among professionals who took part in the research and those who did not participate, it appears that the positivity rate for participants was 14.94% and for non-participants it was 34.52%. Conclusion: it was found that continuing education provided the construction of knowledge for health professionals towards a safer and more effective practice.
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