Social vulnerability and self-care related to breast and cervical cancer prevention


  • Joquebede Cristina Luchetti
  • Maria Cristina Traldi
  • Márcia Regina Campos Costa da Fonseca



The aim of this study was to analyze the association between social vulnerability and self-care throughanalyzing the accession to the actions of prevention programs for breast cancer and cervical in a closedcommunity of women. A cross sectional study with cut in the period 2008 and 2014 years and sample of495 women ? 40 years, living in the coverage area of a Family Health Unit in a city in southeastern Brazil.The average annual Pap smear and mammogram and / or ultrasound were 150.0 and 150.6, respectively.There was no significant association between adherence to preventive exams for breast and cervicalcancer and two groups: without social vulnerability (77.8%) and in this condition (22.2%). In conclusion,the actions of the Family Health Strategy are reaching effectiveness in promoting equity of access andfacilitate self-care for the health of the most vulnerable groups.

Descriptors: Health vulnerability; Breast neoplasms; Uterine cervical neoplasms; Women’s health.



How to Cite

Luchetti, J. C., Traldi, M. C., & Fonseca, M. R. C. C. da. (2016). Social vulnerability and self-care related to breast and cervical cancer prevention. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 4(2), 74–85.



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