Situational diagnosis and occupational therapy interventions in a pediatric onco-hematological intensive care unit
Occupational therapy, Pediatric intensive care units, Hospital oncology serviceAbstract
The objective of this study was to trace the situational diagnosis of a Pediatric Onco-hematological Intensive Care Unit (POICU) and verify the possible interventions of Occupational Therapy (OT). This is a retrospective and descriptive experience report carried out in 2014, considering the period of four months after insertion of OT in the POICU of a tertiary hospital in the city of São Paulo. Based on the understanding of the patients' profile and the dynamics of the Unit, it was possible to create an assessment instrument. For the period studied, 25 out of 29 hospitalized children aged over 7 years and diagnosed with leukemia were admitted to the hospital in conscious or sedated state at the moment of hospitalization, and the length of hospitalization was up to 7 days. Occupational Therapy performed 97 interventions: assessment, guidance to caregivers, bed positioning, Assistive Technology. The clinical experience made it possible to affirm that OT has competence to intervene in the case of patients and families in the space of Pediatric Onco-hematological Intensive Care Unit, significantly contributing to the multiprofessional team and to the quality of life of the patients/careers assisted.
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