Specialized Dental Care Supply in the Primary Care in Brazil, the Brazilian Northeast, and the State of Paraíba
Oral health, Dentistry, Specialties dentalAbstract
This study aims to analyze the existence of Odontological Specialty Centers (OSC), the distribution of specialties, and the waiting time in Brazil, in the Brazilian Northeast and in the State of Paraíba, in the perception of primary care professionals. The data used were from the 1st External Evaluation Cycle of the Program for the Improvement of the Access and Quality of Primary Health Care, and they were analyzed descriptively. The Paraíba state presented the highest percentage of OSCs referred to by professionals when compared to Brazil and to the Northeastern region. Endodontics is the most common specialty in all these spheres. The longest waiting time is for Orthodontics, in Brazil, and for Prosthodontics in the Northeast and Paraíba.Published
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