Promotion of health in the school environment: development of teaching materials
Food and nutrition education, Health education, Primary and secondary education, Educational technologyAbstract
This article aims to present the development of didactic materials for the promotion of healthy eating habits, valuing the use of natural green food for primary school I students. A multidisciplinary team was organized to develop and implement pedagogical projects and materials over four years. During this period, seven educational weeks were held at nine Adventist schools in the Vale do Paraíba region of São Paulo, Brazil. In all 303 students from the 1st to the 5th year participated in all educational weeks. Five didactic materials were explored: banners, aprons, a contest, a sticker album, inflatable mascots, and circuit of activities. Such educational projects and tools served as the basis for future food and nutrition education interventions in the Adventist education network and other public and private schools.References
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