Disability of workers with upper limb musculoskeletal injuries in a rehabilitation center
Disabled persons, Rehabilitation, Upper extremityAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the disability of workers with musculoskeletal injuries of the upper limbs, users of the Regional Center of Rehabilitation. This is a cross-sectional and observational study, conducted from August to November 2014, the sample was of 50 users. The Scale of Assessment of Disability of the World Health Organization, WHODAS 2.0, short version, was used for assessment of the level of functional disability. The average age was 50.2 years (sd=14.1), and most users presented injuries of traumatic origin (62%). The mean score of disability was 25.2 (sd=7.4) and the high disability score, calculated using the Chi-square test, was associated with women (p=0.038), and nontraumatic injuries(p=0.02). There was a low level of education and income, with a predominance of mothers removed from work and who needed care to reduce pain and disability.
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