Assessment of motor skills in elderly people undergoing hippotherapy: a case report




Equine-assisted therapy, Aging, Motor skills.


This is a descriptive and cross-sectional case study carried out from February to December of 2019 in a city in the Triângulo Mineiro region. It aimed to evaluate the benefit of hippotherapy in the elderly's motor skills. Ten sessions of hippotherapy were used and the assessment was made (before and after) by the Motor Scale for Seniors and the Global Motor Aptitude. The participants were five healthy elderly women. In the pre-assessment, all elderly women had higher scores in spatial orientation and lower scores in balance. Three also had lower scores on overall motor skills. After hippotherapy, the five elderly women remained with lower scores on balance and higher scores on spatial orientation, fine motor skills and body scheme. There was an improvement in three patients in overall motor skills, balance and body scheme. Hippotherapy seemed to contribute to the promotion of benefits in the aspects of motor skills in elderly women, considering that there was no worsening in general motor aptitude, allowing the maintenance or improvement of motor performance.

Author Biographies

Isabella Cecilio Resende Ferreira, Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Uberaba

Graduanda do curso de Medicina da Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE)

Mariana Nunes Faria, Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Uberaba

Graduanda do curso de Medicina da Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE)

Giovane Amui Fernandes, curso de Medicina da Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE)

Graduando do curso de Medicina da Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE)

Adriano José Oliveira, Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE), Uberaba/MG

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista em Traumato ortopedia. Fisioterapeuta e Equoterapeuta na Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE), Uberaba/MG

Janaine Brandão Lage, APAE/Uberaba

Fisioterapeuta. Mestre em Educação Física. Fisioterapeuta e Equoterapeuta na APAE

Érika Mondin Bulos, curso de Medicina da UNIUBE

Fisioterapeuta. Mestre em Psicobiologia. Docente do curso de Medicina da UNIUBE, Uberaba/MG, Brasil


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How to Cite

Ferreira, I. C. R., Faria, M. N., Fernandes, G. A., Oliveira, A. J., Lage, J. B., & Bulos, Érika M. (2021). Assessment of motor skills in elderly people undergoing hippotherapy: a case report. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 9, 334–342.



Case Study