Situational strategic planning in health and the approaches to worker’s health in Family Health Strategy
Occupational health, Family Health Strategy, Community health planning, Diagnosis of health situation.Abstract
Study using mixed methods and a constructionist social approach, aiming to analyze the use of Strategic Situational Health Planning to survey the demands related to worker health with two teams of the Family Health Strategy, from May to June 2018. We conducted an active observation of the territory, interviews with key informants, analysis of secondary data, and a group discussion. The teams had 1637 registered families, all the houses are made of brick, 80.1% have water treatment, and 99.6% receive their water supply through the public network. Garbage collection is public, 99.9% houses have a sewage system and 99.5% electricity. Active observation indicated a predominance of informal commerce. Social facilities were identified, such as churches, banks, community center for sports, public schools and a Reference Center for Social Assistance, as well as a public university. The residents of the areas covered are from the lower middle class, with people in a situation of poverty. Key informants reported that there are frequent household occupational activities among women of productive age. With regards to work-related illness, mental suffering and depression were identified as recurrent, as well as the absence of intersectorial actions. In the plan of action, the problem “Arterial Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, and Mental Suffering as frequent diseases among working users" was selected. The major issue selected for the elaboration of the action plan was "Organization of the work process of the teams with weaknesses in the investigations / recognition of the health conditions of the working user". This study seeks to strengthen and build competences that lead to changes in the social reality of collectives, in line with the current Brazilian debate for the protection and promotion of health and for the prevention of damage to the health of workers.
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