Quality of life and occupational performance in people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease
Occupational Therapy, Parkinson Disease, Quality of life, Work performance, Activities of daily livingAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the quality of life and occupational performance of people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Methods: a descriptive quantitative research, carried out in a public educational institution, between december 2017 and October 2018. An instrument was used to capture sociodemographic data, the SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire, Canadian Occupational Performance Measure and Hoehn Scale and Yahr. Results: 13 patients in the initial phase of the disease, male (61.3%), with a mean age of e 57.8 for men and 70.2 for women; married (22.5%), single (22.5%); who had over nine years of education (85.0%); Catholic (77.5%); retirees (53.8%), and the Hoehn Scale rating 2 (62.5%). Median scores were found in the domains Mental Health, Vitality, Social Aspects, Emotional Aspects, Functional Capacity, General Health State and Pain. The lowest score was for Physical Aspect Limitations, as well as low averages for the assessment of Performance and Occupational Satisfaction, with emphasis on the self-care problem area. Conclusion: the research revealed the influence of the disease on quality of life and occupational performance. The importance of Occupational Therapy is highlighted in promoting the individual's potential to actively participate in occupations in the most independent way possible.
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