
  • Israel Campos Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
  • Amanda Karen Carvalho Nóbrega Jacinto
  • Matheus Gomes de Lima Santos



traditional sabers, ethnobotany, quality of life


This article aims to understand the relationship between religion, spirituality, and health, considering their influence on individuals' quality of life. The historical context is presented to support its relevance today, which includes the pharmaceutical industry, the population's habits, and their way of dealing with health. The methodology used consists of an exploratory study of the literature in the scientific databases Google Scholar, Scielo, Pubmed, and digital scientific journals. For this, 26 descriptors were used, in addition to Boolean operators, from 2008 to 2024. The research indicated a strong correlation between religion, spirituality, and health maintenance in Brazil since the colonial era, highlighting the prevalence of human interaction with the natural environment in its practices, knowledge, and beliefs. Arising from medicines, rituals, or daily habits, the prevalence of traditional knowledge, mixed with customs of certain beliefs and religious matrices, were the basis of several studies that determined their scientific proof regarding their health benefits. Furthermore, the study highlights that ethnobotany, when combined with the appreciation of traditional knowledge, plays a fundamental role in promoting public policies to maintain the physical and mental health of the population. Certain challenges still exist for the integration of health and religion, such as religious alienation and resistance to adherence to medical treatments and preventive measures. Furthermore, it is clear that it is important to increase Brazil's visibility and participation in the development of scientific research that uses medicinal plants for the pharmaceutical industry, as it is one of the countries with the greatest potential for biodiversity in the world. Building a good quality of life is closely related to spirituality, as it shapes behaviors in a way that influences one's lifestyle and the way one deals with physical and psychological illnesses. The difficulty in finding specific scientific articles highlights the neglect of the subject today. The topic addressed, therefore, proved to be of utmost importance for the treatment of the population in a humane manner, regardless of their religiosity and spirituality, and for the recognition of the contribution of traditional knowledge to maintaining health


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How to Cite

Campos, I., Carvalho Nóbrega Jacinto, A. K. ., & Gomes de Lima Santos, M. . (2024). RELAÇÃO ENTRE RELIGIÃO, ESPIRITUALIDADE E SAÚDE: : PROBLEMÁTICAS E AVANÇOS. Acta Biologica Brasiliensia, 7(2), 226–239.



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