
  • Rafael Ferreira dos Santos Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano - Campus Ceres
  • Kleyton Carlos do Valle Instituto Federal Goiano
  • Daniela Inácio Junqueira Instituto Federal Goiano



flora conservation, herbarium, floristic survey


This research aimed to survey the tree species occurring in the municipality of Ceres, in the state of Goiás, Brazil, to understand the local diversity and composition and thus provide essential information for flora conservation in the region. Data collection was conducted online through searches on the SpeciesLink website. Scientific data on species were obtained from Reflora, and red list status data were acquired from the National Center for Flora Conservation (CNCFlora). The survey identified 69 records, with 19 species classified as having a tree life habit. The CNCFlora red list revealed that 15 of these species have not yet been assessed, highlighting gaps and the need for updated data on the threat category of species in our territory.


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How to Cite

Ferreira dos Santos, R., Carlos do Valle, K., & Inácio Junqueira, D. (2024). RECORDS OF TREE SPECIES IN A VIRTUAL COLLECTION WITH EMPHASIS ON THE MUNICIPALITY OF CERES, GOIAS, BRAZIL. Acta Biologica Brasiliensia, 7(2), 240–253.




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