economic activity, Dorymyrmex, environmental indicators, environmental managementAbstract
Human activities impacts the biodiversity and consequently interferes with the balance and maintenance of ecosystem services. In this context, biological indicators can be explored as a tool to monitor and to evaluate the environmental quality. The present study aims to assess the population dynamic of ants in a pisciculture in Alto Pantanal, Cáceres-MT, Brazil. Collections were carried out quarterly for a year in the area surrounding the pisciculture tanks and area surrounding a fragment near to the pisciculture tanks. In both areas, the ants were captured using a pitfall traps. Generalized linear models were used to analyze the abundance and richness genera, as well as, the interaction with the local environmental variables such as luminosity, soil temperature and soil humidity. We collected 3707 ants, distributed across 7 subfamilies and 10 genera, with Dorymyrmex being the most common in the both areas. Ant abundance was statistically different between the areas. However, we did not found statistical differences for the richness or in the relationship between the abundance and richness with the local environmental variables. In areas with pisciculture, the ants can be used as a tool to monitor the environmental impact caused by tanks installation. The occurrence of Dorymyrmex in the both areas of investigation indicates the need to implement strategies for the conservation of biodiversity, since this genus occurs abundantly in anthropic areas.
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