Analysis and consistency of data on the purpose of use of water resource grants in the State of Tocantins in the Cnarh40 system
water use, granting, insignificant use, sustainable managementResumo
The National Registry of Water Resource Users (CNARH), established by Resolution No. 317 of 2003, is a system that aims to gather and systematize detailed information about water users, facilitating equitable and sustainable management of resources. It was implemented in the State of Tocantins in 2017 and has been widely used since then, where the user declares data on water use and subsequent validation by technicians from the Instituto Natureza do Tocantins - Naturatins. In view of the inconsistencies in the data declared by users, it was found necessary to validate them on the platform. From the export of the data to a spreadsheet and subsequent categorization of the interferences, the status of each point was identified, including categories such as "Under analysis", "Rejected and not grantable", "Invalid", "Granted and authorized", "Insignificant use" and "Other". The research highlighted the categories “Granted” and “Insignificant use”, analyzing the consistency of the declared purposes in comparison with the administrative acts in the Integrated Environmental Management System (SIGAM). The reclassification of the purposes revealed that many interferences in the “other” category could be better specified. The analysis also highlighted a notable increase in the categories “Services” and “Animal Raising”, reflecting changes in the practices and needs of water resource use in the State. These results suggest the need for improvement in the categorization and processing of grant data, to ensure more efficient and accurate management of water resources.
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