About the Journal

Focus and Scope


Disseminate research and other types of articles related to health, nursing with a connection to social and human sciences.



Revista Família, Ciclos de Vida e Saúde no Contexto Social (REFACS) is an open access since 2013with its first edition in September 2013 , and journal published in trilingual format (Portuguese, English and Spanish). Its articles are primarily intended to disseminate the results of original articles, review (systematic, integrative), reflection, experience report, updates, case study, debates, and brief communication. REFACS is a quarterly publication and may have thematic issues and supplements. Manuscripts received will be subject to peer review (double blind review), and simultaneous presentation in other journals is not allowed. It is published in online format only, and its contents are licensed under Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC) Attribution-NonCommercial.


This journal follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors - COPE (http://publicationethics.org/), the Singapore and Hong Kong Declaration on Integrity in Research and adopts the standardization of the “Uniform Requirements for Submitted Manuscripts to biomedical journals” (Vancouver System) (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/).


The authorship criteria adopted by REFACS follow the criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), namely: substantial contribution related to the following aspects: 1. Conception and design or analysis and interpretation of data; 2. Article writing or relevant critical review of intellectual content; 3. Final approval of the version to be published. All three conditions must be fully met.


The journal will adopt plagiarism and self-plagiarism checking mechanisms using the Turnitim® software. Cases of similarity will be returned to the authors for appropriate processing. REFACS condemns plagiarism and self-plagiarism and strongly discourages the submission of multipart articles and partial results of the same research, as well as submission of articles whose data were collected over 5 years ago and reviews whose search has been performed over a year ago.


If plagiarism is proven before publication, the editorial office will notify the author, asking them to rewrite and cite the original source. If the plagiarism is extensive – which is at least 25% of the original article, the article will be rejected and the author's institution notified of the infraction. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the editors will notify readers and the author's institution about the infraction committed, through an Editor's note, published in the journal.


The content presented in published articles, ideas or opinions, as well as the origin and conformity of citations, are the sole responsibility of the authors.


The magazine adopts the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system as a digital content preservation tool.


REFACS publishes manuscripts published in national and international Preprints repositories, recognized by the academic community. The information that a text is a Preprint must appear on its title page, accompanied by its DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and the name of the server where it is deposited.


Clinical Trial-type studies must present the Clinical Trials registration number, in the Data Providers of the International World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) or in the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials/Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (ReBEC) or similar organization before the selection of research participants. Studies of the Systematic Review type must be registered before starting the procedures for applying the eligibility criteria in the PROSPERO database (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews). In both cases, the registration number and name and acronym (Clinical Trials) of the database must appear at the end of the article’s abstract and in the Methods section.


REFACS allows the submission of articles that have required the deposit and sharing of research data that supports the publication of the article in a public data repository. These data are the results of observations or experiments that validate the research results.
In these situations, we suggest that authors cite and link them in the manuscript, in the Method section.


Peer Review Process



Manuscripts submitted to REFACS are first evaluated by the section editor to verify compliance with the journal's standards. They are then forwarded to the peer review phase, in which at least two reviewers will issue their opinions, which will then undergo review and approval by the editors. In case of divergences between reviewers, the manuscript will be evaluated by a third reviewer, in order to substantiate the final editorial decision, according to the workflow described below:

1. Evaluation of the checklist by the section editors regarding adequacy to the journal's standards;

2. The editor assigns the manuscript to reviewers;

3. The evaluation system is double-blind, in which the reviewers issue a peer review (opinion), which will be used by the editor for approval or not of the manuscript. In case of disagreement between reviewers, a third reviewer will be called;

4. Comments and requests for corrections made by the reviewers will be forwarded to the corresponding author;

5. After corrections are made, the corresponding author sends the revised version of the manuscript, which will be forwarded to the reviewers for the issuance of the final opinion;

6. The reviewers' suggestions and the authors' consequent responses will be analyzed by the Editor-in-Chief, for the issuance of the final decision and subsequent forwarding of the decision to the authors. Minimal adjustments to improve reading and fluency of the manuscript by the editors may be made and, if the authors do not accept it, the Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision on whether or not to publish it;

7. After the manuscript is accepted, it is sent to the editing process, through which it first undergoes a review of the Portuguese language, with subsequent submission to English and Spanish language translators;

8. After translation, the manuscript is pre-arranged and sent to the author for analysis and verification of the translation and organization of tables, figures, images and general formatting and approval of the final version to be published;

9. The final version of the manuscript is approved by the Editor-in-Chief and sent for publication in the journal's system.


Important note: there is no fee for submission or publication, only rates for correction of the Portuguese language and translation into English and Spanish.


Publication Frequency

REFACS has quarterly publications (4 editions/year).


Authors fee


No processing fees will be charged for evaluation and publication of manuscripts.


Approved manuscripts must undergo a professional language review. Review and translation costs are the responsibility of the authors.


Translations are requested from authors after final approval of the manuscript into a language other than the one submitted, in accordance with the Journal's guidelines and must be carried out by professionals appointed by REFACS.


In turn, the publication of the article will only take place after the translators have informed the payment.