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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Manuscripts will only be evaluated if they are rigorously prepared as follows:


Microsoft Office Word file, with mandatory configuration of pages in A4 paper (210x297mm) and 2 cm margins on all sides, Cambria font, size 12, single line spacing, 1.25 cm paragraph indentation.

Articles may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

The text must contain the following structure: title, abstract, descritores in Portuguese, descriptors in English, descriptores in Spanish, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and references. The names of the INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES sections must be written in bold, capitalized letters. Qualitative research studies that present results and discussion in the same section and use final considerations instead of conclusions will not be considered for publications.

The texts of articles must follow international rules and guidelines for the presentation of research results as recommended by the EQUATOR Network (Enchancing the Quality and Transparency of Healthy Research) and by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), for each type of study:

Randomized Controlled Trial – CONSORT

Observational Studies in Epidemiology – STROBE

Diagnostic Accuracy Studies – STARD or TRIPOD

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis – PRISMA or MOOSE

Qualitative Studies – COREQ or SRQR

Case Reports – CARE

Quality Improvement Studies – SQUIRE

Study Protocols – SPIRIT

Pre-Clinical Studies in Animals - ARRIVE

Abbreviations/acronyms should not be used in the title, subtitles of the manuscript and in the abstract. For tables and figures with abbreviations, it is mandatory to insert them as a footnote to the table or figure. In text, use only standard abbreviations. In the first citation, the abbreviation is presented in parentheses after the full term.

Citations of references in text must adopt the Vancouver System standard, numbered consecutively, in superscript Arabic numerals, without mentioning the names of the authors (except those that constitute a theoretical or methodological reference). When they are sequential, indicate the first and last number, separated by a hyphen. Ex.: 1-4; when interspersed, they must be separated by a comma. E.g.: 1,2.

Between a numerical citation and the word that precedes it, no space should be left. E.g.: [...] it is a worldwide phenomenon4-8,12,18.

Direct quotations must be reserved for extremely necessary cases and, when they do occur, they must have an indentation in the text in italics, but with no underlining or bold letters, and inform the page number where the quoted excerpt is found. E.g.: "Population aging is a worldwide phenomenon"5:13.

Tables and/or Figures (maximum 5) must be inserted in text, right after they are mentioned, numbered sequentially, in Arabic numerals. Do not send tables or other separate figures.

They must have titles. In the case of figures, the title must be at the bottom and the identification of tables and charts must be at the top, followed by the order number of their occurrence in text, in Arabic numerals, full stop and the respective title (Ex.: Table 1. Title). Titles should mention study participants, variables, location and period of data collection. The tables must be standardized according to the recommendations of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE. Normas de apresentação tabular. 3. ed. Rio de Janeiro, 1993, available at:

Attach the approval protocol of the Research Ethics Committee, in the case of research or any type of study involving human beings (receit of approval must be sent as a supplementary document).

Do not use footnotes throughout text.

The journal will adopt plagiarism and self-plagiarism checking mechanisms using the Turnitim® software. Cases of similarity will be returned to the authors for appropriate processing. REFACS condemns plagiarism and self-plagiarism and strongly discourages the submission of multipart articles and partial results of the same research, as well as submission of articles whose data were collected over 5 years ago and reviews whose search has been performed over a year ago.

If plagiarism is proven before publication, the editorial office will notify the author, asking them to rewrite and cite the original source. If the plagiarism is extensive – which is at least 25% of the original article, the article will be rejected and the author's institution notified of the infraction. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the editors will notify readers and the author's institution about the infraction committed, through an Editor's note, published in the journal.


Conflict of interests

All authors must declare possible conflicts of interest. The declaration of conflict of interest must be informed at the time of submission of the manuscript through the submission system.


Ethical considerations

All submitted manuscripts involving human beings, animals or experiments must comply with legal requirements of the country where the research is carried out on the preparation of academic and/or technical-scientific papers and research with human beings or animals.

Brazilian authors must mention it in the manuscript and send a copy of the study approval by the Research Ethics Committee recognized by the Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa, the  Conselho Nacional de Saúde (CONEP-CNS) or by an equivalent institution, if the research has been carried out in another country.


Declaration of Copyright (must be attached in the option "Transfer of the manuscript")

All authors must complete and sign the Copyright Declaration and forward it as a supplementary document that must be inserted in step 2 of the submission (2. Transfer of the manuscript) together with the other submission files. Click here to access the Declaration of Copyright template.


Title Page (must be attached in the option "Transfer of the manuscript")

 Article title: short and objective, presented only in the submission language, in bold letters; with a maximum of 15 words, in lower case, capitalized initial for the first word and/or proper names, central alignment, Cambrita, font 12. Avoid: geographic location of the research, abbreviations and identification of the type of study.


Authors: the indication of the names of the authors right below the title of the article is limited to six (in exceptional cases, the possibility of including other authors will be considered, provided that the need is duly justified) and they must be presented in the sequence of the text, font 12, capital initials, separated by comma, with superscript numbers.

E.g.: Álvaro da Silva Santos1, Maria Moreira Cinamoto2

Inform the ORCID registration number of all authors on the Title Page and in the system (Metadata). ORCID registration is free and is a mandatory condition for all authors to be published in the journal (

Authors’ notes: indication of academic background, institution to which they are linked, city, state and country. Then, inform ORCID number and E-mail.

E.g.: 1. Nurse. Post-Doctorate in Social Work. Associate Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at the Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba/MG, Brazil. ORCID: 0000-0003-6546-987X Email:

Full name and address with zip code and contact phone number of the corresponding author.

Authors' affiliations, as well as their email addresses, must also be entered in the Submission Metadata (System).

Acknowledgements: optional. People involved who are not authors or institutions may be included. In case of financial support from an institution, inform case number.

Author’s contributions: explicitly describe the contributions of each author, such as: study design and project; data collection and analysis; writing of the article and critical review. For those with identical contributions, keep names together. The following will not be accepted: all authors had equal contributions.


MAIN DOCUMENT (It must be sent in a different file from the title page and must not contain the names of the authors in the file and in the document properties).

Article’s Title: short and objective, presented only in the submission language, in bold letters; with a maximum of 15 words, in lower case, capitalized initial for the first word and/or proper names, central alignment, Cambria, font 12. Avoid: geographic location of the research, abbreviations and identification of the type of study.

 Abstract: it must contain a logical and descriptive sequence of objectives, methods, results and conclusion, contain up to 250 words and must be structured (mention the section indicators: Objective, Method, Results and Conclusion). The objective should be the same as the one at the end of the introduction. Submit only the version in the submission language, of which the translation will only take place if accepted for publication.

Descriptors: present a version in Portuguese (Descritores), English (Descriptors) and Spanish (Descriptores), from 3 to 5 descriptors separated by semicolons (do not use a full stop or just a comma). To determine descriptors, consult the website preferably searching for Exact Descriptor; do not use synonyms. If the descriptor has more than one word, only the first should be capitalized. Do not use the terms Keywords or similar. Do not translate descriptors in English and Spanish (in this case, send in the 3 languages), but use exactly what is stated in the DECs for the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish).

Introduction: it must be concise, showing the author's knowledge of the topic, including relevant references, ending with the justification and objective of the study. The objective presented at the end of this item must be exactly the same as the one in the abstract.

Methods: inform the study design, data sources and/or place and date of the study, population and sample studied, subject selection criteria, instruments and other resources used for data collection, ethical procedures and analysis data, even in the case of qualitative research. In the review modality include the date of the survey / search, which in general is different from the date considered for the study.

Results: objectively present the data obtained in the study in focus. A minimum descriptive text must anticipate charts and other figures, avoiding repetitions of what is described in tables. Use a maximum of 5 (five) figures or tables. For qualitative research, the subjects' statements must appear in this item (Results), in italics and without quotation marks. Do not use quotes this item (except for review studies). For every type of manuscript, the result must appear (whether it is an essay, update, brief communication, debate, experience report or others). For qualitative research, speeches, discourses, contents, categories and others must appear here (in the Results), without any comments (only a brief description above) and not include citations; this is reserved for the Discussion item.

Discussion: highlight the main results, comparing them with similar studies in the scientific publications on the topic addressed. This item is the author's counter-argument space in relation to the main results, and in response to the objectives with the relevant productions, or even the description of gaps in the theme, among others. 

Conclusion: present statements based only on the study data, with answers(s) to the objective(s). Include methodological limitations of the study, generalizations and possible avenues for further research. Do not include citations in this part of the article.

Avoid: terms like “finally”, “lastly”, “ultimately” in the middle of the text. Regardless of different writing styles, these terms and the like are reserved for the Conclusion. Do not write in a personal way (we point out, we verify, we observe and others). Write impersonally (it was pointed out, it was observed, it was verified, and others). Quotations are reserved for the Introduction, Method and Discussion and must not appear in any way in the Results and Conclusion; except for reviews in which a table or other figure will be presented in the results with the articles mentioned, but this is by no means the place of counter-argument of these articles. Also avoid superlatives, and write as directly, concisely and objectively as possible. Never use etc... Prefer when necessary, among others, and others.

References: references should be written in the Vancouver System Standard (

Do not use the terms “bibliography” or “researched bibliography”. Use at least 50% (ideally 70% in research) of references published in the last five years and, if possible, prioritie articles from scientific journals, instead of grey literature (books, newspaper advertisements or other types of publication). This item must include up to 06 (six) authors, using an expression “et al” only after the 6th author. For all electronic references, access data must be entered, the electronic address in which article is available and, when available, the DOI of the publication must be included. Every time a book chapter or quotes from public agencies is used, its pages must be mentioned.

Surnames indicative of kinship (Filho, Júnior, Neto, Sobrinho and others) and other languages’ equivalents must be declared immediately after the preceding surname, in full. E.g.: Assis Neto P, Davis Junior JC, Guimarães Filho AC, Oliveira Sobrinho J.

When the surname has complements such as: da, de, do and similar, they must be suppressed/excluded in the references.

For abbreviation of journal titles, see each title on the link: or daily


Model References:

Standard article

Cunha JHS, Pereira DC, Almohalha L. O significado de ser mãe ou pai de um filho com autismo. REFACS. 2018; 6(1):26-34.

Article with more than 6 authors

Garcia LAA, Camargo FC, Gomes THM, Rezende MP, Pereira GA, Iwamoto HH, et al. Produção do conhecimento de Enfermagem sobre os anos potenciais de vida perdidos: estudo bibliométrico. REFACS. 2017; 5(1):34-46.

Article with an organization as author

THE WHOQOL GROUP. The World Health Organization Quality of Life Instruments (WHOQOL): development and general psychometric properties. Soc Sci Med. 1998; 46(12):1569-85.

Article in electronic journal

Hajjar R, Albino A, Santos AS. Depressão e a busca do "Pharmakon" para aplacar o mal estar individual e social. REFACS. [Internet]. 2017 [cited in 05 Aug 2018]; 5(Supl 1):165-74. Available from:

Article with DOI

Garcia LAA, Milani J, Celeste LFN, Chagas LMO, Caixeta TP, Santos AS. Inatividade física e depressão em idosos no Brasil: uma revisão sistemática. REFACS [Internet]. 2017 [cited in 05 Aug 2018]; 5(1):66-74. DOI:

Standard book

Santos ÁS, Cubas MR., organizadores. Saúde coletiva: linhas de cuidado e consulta de enfermagem. 2ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2012. 304p.

Book chapter

Damião R, Bevilacqua M, Gimeno SGA. Nutrição, atividade física e obesidade. In: Moreira WW, Marocolo Junior M, Chaves AD, Carbinatto MV., organizadores. Ciências do esporte: educação, desempenho e saúde. 2ed. Uberaba: Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro; 2012. v. 2, p. 11-261.

Book from organization

Sociedade de Cardiologia do Estado São Paulo. Manual de cardiologia. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2000. 590p.

Theses, dissertations and conclusion papers

Cardoso LRC. As manifestações de agressividade no processo de cuidar: implicações para a enfermagem. [dissertation]. Uberaba, MG: Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro/UFTM; 2012. 95p.

Full articles published in event proceedings

Silveira RE, Contim D. Educação em saúde e a prática humanizada da enfermagem em unidades de terapia intensiva: um estudo bibliométrico. In: I Seminário de humanização da saúde do HC/UFTM; nov-2010; Uberaba, Brasil. Uberaba, MG: UFTM; 2010. p. 19-23.



The submission process is exclusively online, through the website

Include in the submission: Manuscript (without authors' names), Supplementary Documents: Title Page, Declaration of Copyright (form available on the REFACS website) and CEP Approval (when researching).



No processing fees will be charged for evaluation and publication of manuscripts.

Approved manuscripts must undergo a professional language review. Review and translation costs are the responsibility of the authors.

Translations are requested from authors after final approval of the manuscript into a language other than the one submitted, in accordance with the Journal's guidelines and must be carried out by professionals appointed by REFACS.

In turn, the publication of the article will only take place after the translators have informed the payment.

Original Articles

The dissemination of scientific production resulting from original research. The following contributions are considered to be researches: discursive contributions with a theoretical effect, qualitative, quantitative and quali-quantitative researches. This modality is limited to 35,000 characters, including spaces.


These are publications conducted through the compilation of results of original studies, whether quantitative or qualitative, which aim at answering a specific and relevant question. The search format of the studies, their selection criteria and the procedures employed in the synthesis of the results obtained need to be carefully described. Only systematic and integrative reviews will be accepted in this section. These manuscripts should not exceed 40,000 characters, with spaces.


Theoretical article coming from an author (a guest author featured in the main theme of the issue) that will receive comments signed by up to three invited experts, which will receive a replica from the main author. The original text should have at most 20.000 characters with spaces. The text of the three panellists and the replica will have a maximum of 5.000 characters each, adding up to a total maximum of 40.000 characters with spaces.


A publication that discusses the in-depth description of themes of interest: health, social sciences and humanities. Must contain a maximum of 20,000 characters, including spaces.

Case Study

A careful description of experiences that can be replicated. This type of manuscript is limited to 20,000 characters, including spaces

Brief communication

Essay presentation, reviews, events and others. Must not exceed 5,000 characters, including spaces.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.