Gender identity among adolescents in school: social and psychoanalytical approaches


  • Rodrigo Eurípedes da Silveira
  • Álvaro da Silva Santos
  • Araceli Albino



This research aimed to identify the standards and social expectations that permeate the imagination of adolescents as regards the construction of your gender identity. This is a qualitative study conducted with teenagers from a public school hall of an inner city Miner of Brazil, who used it as a data collection technique the focal group, and organization of data, the analysis of thematic content. It was found 11 categories among the teenagers, seven of which concerning the identity positive and four negative identity related. It was verified the existence of trace constituent in the formation of the identificatory male and female sexuality, which indicates that they are inserted in a sexual and social normative standard. A vision of male chauvinism, possibly perpetuated by the family and school was also verified. The role of caregiver, human reproduction and the pursuit of beauty at all costs, turned in the speech. Such results show the need for better training for teachers to deal with these contents, as well as the inclusion of educational actions with families for the possibility of better relations between genders, with a group on psychosocial development process.

Descriptors: Gender identity; Adolescent; School health.



How to Cite

da Silveira, R. E., Santos, Álvaro da S., & Albino, A. (2016). Gender identity among adolescents in school: social and psychoanalytical approaches. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 4(3), 227–236.



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