A Research about HIV/AIDS and Sexuality Involving Elders: An Experience Report
Aged, Data Collection, SexualityAbstract
This article aims at reporting the experience of undergraduates, as collaborators in the data collection phase of the application of a quantitative instrument, in a Unit for the Care of Elders in the Municipality of Uberaba-MG. The research involved a number of 457 elder subjects. Data collection lasted for three months, from September to November, 2015, and was conducted bu nine undergraduate nursing students at UFTM. The students were from distinct semesters of the course, and were adequately trained before the collection. The approach of the subject "sexuality", at first, could be a difficulty, but during data collection, just the opposite happened, as many of the elders seemed enthusiastic with the theme and encouraged other colleagues to participate. All people involved learned a lot with the participation of undergraduates in the data collection phase of this study.
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