Continuing teacher training: action-reflection-action health literacy space


  • Roselita Sebold
  • Darclé Cardoso
  • Daniela Lemos Carcereri
  • Rita Buzzi Rausch



Educação em saúde, Promoção da saúde, Formação continuada


This article aims at discussing health literacy in the continued training courses for teachers and the process of health education in pilot projects with students. The research has a qualitative approach, held between 2010 to 2013 in Rio do Sul/SC/Brazil, with 33 students and 20 teachers. Which methods of teaching and learning a broader concept of health are applied to pilot projects with students to subsidize the continued training, based on health literacy.  Data has shown that the students learned this broader scope approach, that suggests health in the perspective of health promotion, as they associated the concept to many situations in their lives and to confronting vulnerabilities. The teacher is considered to be an agent of health literacy, as well as the articulator between the interests of the students and the community, and has the flexibility to act according to the school context. 


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How to Cite

Sebold, R., Cardoso, D., Carcereri, D. L., & Rausch, R. B. (2017). Continuing teacher training: action-reflection-action health literacy space. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 5, 274–281.