Permanent education and health literacy: contributions for the training professional


  • Marta Regina Farinelli
  • Claudia Helena Julião
  • Priscila Maitara Avelino Ribeiro
  • Luís Ângelo Saboga-Nunes
  • Rosane Aparecida de Sousa Martins



Health education, Health promotion, Continuing education


This is an experience report and a reflection on a training course regarding Permanent Education in Health and Health Literacy. The objective is to socialize reflections and studies on the theme developed in the Course: communication, education and health literacy: strategies for health promotion. To do so, a bibliographic review was conducted, as well as documental research, with a dialogic approach and content systematization of one of the meetings of the aforementioned course. The participants composed a multidisciplinary group and were actively engaged. Discussions have broaden the concepts of permanent education in health and health literacy. Permanent education in health has a meaningful role in the development of strategies that qualify health care, health management and social control. Health literacy is a policy that can be used to face this challenge, contributing to the individual and collective health of the population.


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How to Cite

Farinelli, M. R., Julião, C. H., Ribeiro, P. M. A., Saboga-Nunes, L. Ângelo, & Martins, R. A. de S. (2017). Permanent education and health literacy: contributions for the training professional. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 5, 305–310.