Dental traumatisms: primary health care dentists’ knowledge
Tooth injurie, Public health, Quality of lifeAbstract
This research aims to evaluate the knowledge of dental surgeons (DS) in the primary health care of João Pessoa-PB about dental injuries through a questionnaire evaluated by Pedrini in 2008. The sample was made up of 70 DSs, which were classified in 2 groups: G1 (DSs that finished their graduation 25 years ago or less) and G2 (DSs which finished their graduation more than 25 years ago). Pearson's Chi-squared test and/or Fisher's exact test were used in the IBM software SPSS (20.0). The answers of the participants were varied regarding the most common trauma in their practice. The DSs stated not to know how to treat: concussions (52.9%), extrusive luxations (88.7%), lateral luxations (90.0%), intrusive luxations (75.0%), and 75.9% said not to know how to treat any type of injury. Statistically significant differences were found between the time since the participants concluded their graduation courses and the self-perception they have on the types of injury they are capable of treating (p>0.05). The evaluated DSs did not show adequate knowledge to deal with dental trauma.
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