Vitamin D deficiency versus high body mass index in acute coronary syndrome
Vitamin D Deficiency, Obesity, Overweight, Acute coronary syndromeAbstract
The prevalence of overweight and obese people has increased in the last decades, becoming a worldwide problem, as did hypovitaminosis D. Studies have shown that people with higher Body Mass Index levels have vitamin D deficiency (25[OH]D) more frequently than normal weight people. This study aimed to evaluate whether the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is higher in overweight or obese people, considering those hospitalized in a tertiary hospital due to acute coronary syndrome. Data collection took place from September 2015 to May 2016. A structured questionnaire was applied and 25(OH)D serum was dosed. The sample was prepared in 25(OH)D serum levels of <20ng/mL and ?20ng/mL, and the anthropometric variables were analyzed. There was not significant correlation between body mass parameters and vitamin D. The population of the study, however, has characteristics that can balance the effects of a bigger body mass, making extra studies necessary for an analysis.References
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