Stress generating factors among military police officers: a systematic review
Police, Mental health, Mental disorders, Occupational healthAbstract
This study aimed at identifying the most common stress generating factors among military police officers, according to scientific literature. It is a systematic review conducted through the PRISMA method, in the databanks: Pubmed, Scielo and BVS, using the descriptors"Military Police" AND "Polícia militar" OR "Occupational Hazard” AND “Risco ocupacional” OR “Occupational stress” AND “Estresse ocupacional”, conducted in April 2015. 4,490 researchers were found, from which 4,424 were excluded after the title was read, as they did not meet the inclusion criteria. From these 66 studies, 17 were discarded due to duplicated results, and 49 were left. During the reading of the abstracts, 16 other workers were excluded because they were not completely available online. Therefore, 17 studies were left, and 07 were excluded due to the eligibility criteria. Women are the most affected by the stress at the Military Police work. In issues regarding age or time on the service, the younger or those with less time in the profession suffer less from stress-related problems at work. The high level of violence to which they are exposed is another possible influence in the high levels of stress in the studies surveyed.
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