Production and attempt to insert therapeutic glove in hospital context: a case repo
Infant, newborn, Humanization of assistance, Equipment and suppliesAbstract
The aim of this study is to present the construction, experience and attempt to insert the therapeutic glove resource in hospital context with preterm newborn. This is the description of an experience developed in a hospital context, from April to December 2016. The narrative focus on the description of the beginning of the gloves tests with the preterm newborns, highlighting the initial findings at a public hospital. Therapeutic glove is a positioning device which, combined with maternal scent, has its therapeutic effect enhanced. In the initial tests of this experiment, it was possible to observe a behavioral change of the baby after snuggling in the therapeutic glove, even without the introduction of maternal scent, as well as the diversity of presumed positions with the use of therapeutic glove. In turn, it is observed difficult to insert new therapeutic alternatives in hospital setting.
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