“Thinness as normal, normal as fat”: reflections on contemporary body and beauty standards
Body image, Self-concept, Beauty, FatsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to generate reflections about the body and the standards of beauty in present days that are interpenetrated by the influence of the media. This is a reflexive essay built upon the critical reading of studies that approached the theme. It discusses how excessive exposure to images of "perfect" bodies, widely publicized in the media, and the discrepancy between the ideals of beauty built by society in contrast with the physical reality of most people generates not only body dissatisfaction, but also important distortions in which bodies that until recently were considered excessively thin are now seen as "normal", and those considered as "normal" are now seen as "large" and "voluptuous". Given the density and complexity of the theme, reflections like these are fundamental to broaden its understanding.
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