Insufficient parental care versus parental neglect: discussions and theoretical propositions
Negligence, Family, PovertyAbstract
Parental neglect is the situation in which the family, with the necessary resources, do not properly used them in the care of children and adolescents under their responsibility. There are still many discussions about the implementation of this concept, being common the confusion between neglect and poverty. The aim of this paper is to discuss the quality of care and the effects on developing in parental neglect contexts and in situations where there is unavailability of care resources. It is a reflective theoretical essay, aiming to contribute to the characterization and distinction of parental neglect and situations in which there is no availability of resources for care, here called hyposufficient care. Understanding and coping with these situations should be differentiated, since the subjective and psychosocial production in both contexts are crossed by different phenomena.
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