Oral cancer, potentially malignant disorders and prevention: an integrative review
Mouth neoplasms, Diagnosis, Oral, Erythroplasia, LeukoplakiaAbstract
This study aimed to carry out an integrative review about oral cancer. Articles were searched in PUBMED (descriptors in English), SCIELO and BVS (Portuguese descriptors) databases. The articles considered were from 2008-2018, in a total of 33 articles, two epidemiological bulletins and a reference book. The productions were divided into three thematic areas, namely: general aspects on oral cancer; potentially malignant disorders and the importance of early diagnosis; and, prevention strategies for oral cancer. The increased incidence of oral cancer sets the disease as a public health problem. The strategy for cases reduction is directly related to the knowledge and control of risk factors for developing the disease, as well as the early diagnosis. The dentist is the responsible for the early diagnosis of oral cancer, the population guidance on habits, risks and preventive actions and health promotion. It is necessary further training of professionals for prevention and recognition of lesions aiming the appropriate intervention.
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