Farmácia Solidária Experience: access to medication, citizenship, environmental protection and economy
Access to essential medicines and health technologies, Environment, Community participation, Economics.Abstract
This is an experience report that aims to describe the Farmácia Solidária initiative, aimed at capturing and redistributing donated medications, and their impacts. The initiative was initiated on August 30, 2017 and data is presented until August 2018. The following items are highlighted: Access to medication, Economics, Environmental protection and less waste of medicines and State model of innovation. Of the drugs collected, 170,788 units (155,222 non-prescription drugs; 15,566 prescription drugs) were passed on to the population, in a total of 3,995 services; prevented 15,721,222 medication units from becoming environmental waste and promoted savings in the order of R$ 311,549.01 for the Public Administration and R$ 389,436.00 for the population. There was a significant expansion in the supply of medicines not standardized by the Unified Health System, indirect (public administration) and direct (population) economics, positive environmental impact with a decrease in expired medicines in domestic households and subject to improper disposal in the environment, and, direct flow to Long Term Care Institutions for the Elderly. The accreditation of municipalities interested in this initiative is being implemented, with the perspective of creating an intermunicipal mining network.References
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