Conceptions of the elderly on (inter) national policies on human aging
Health Policy, Aging, Aged, Primary Health Care.Abstract
This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach, carried out in 2015 and aimed to analyze the perceptions of the elderly about human aging in the light of (inter)national political outlines. We investigated 93 elderly people assigned to Primary Care, with content categorized according to the (inter)national policies of human aging. Characterization data were collected and individual interviews were conducted according to guiding questions. The content analysis was supported by the NVivo Pro11® Software, with a theoretical density (Pearson ?0.7). The speeches reiterated the pillars (participation, health and safety) and the determinants of health (social and health service, behavioral, personal, physical, social and economic environment). Three categories emerged: 1) Engagement, socialization and intergenerational coexistence; 2) Health, well-being and support networks and 3) Social security, adaptation and quality of life. Reified knowledge was evidenced, even if implicitly in the participants' speeches regarding all pillars, determinants, dimensions and (inter)national political axes.
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