Analysis of the work of oral health teams from an interprofessional perspective
Oral Health, Primary Health Care, Interprofessional Relations.Abstract
This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach carried out in Recife, in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2019. It aimed to analyze the work of oral health teams in primary care, in an interprofessional perspective. The sample was selected by drawing a team by micro-region, among the three existing ones. The interviews were face to face, aided by a structured questionnaire. The analyzes were descriptive and inferential. Six dental surgeons and nine oral health technicians and assistants were interviewed. There was integration of teams in common actions with other members of the unit (100%), being lower in territorialization (33%). There was satisfactory collaboration (66.7%) of other team members in oral health actions. They considered the integrated participation in planning (83.3%) to be common to reach (66.7%), make decisions independently (100% ), but the type of relationship prevailed in the work of personal and professional communication (66.7%), classified as intermediate. It is concluded that the interviewees carry out the integration, however, communication is not complete.
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