Occupational performance of chronic kidney patients undergoing hemodialysis
Occupational Therapy, Kidney diseases, Hemodialysis units, Hospital.Abstract
This is a descriptive exploratory study of a qualitative nature, carried out in a kidney treatment unit of a federal public hospital in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais, in 2018. It aimed to evaluate changes in occupational performance and participation in other health services in people with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis after the implementation of an identification card. Interviews used the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure as a guideline. Then, there was a thematic content analysis. Fourteen patients participated, and four categories were emerged: Self-care; Productivity; Leisure; and Use of the Chronic Kidney Identification Card. Changes in food, work, and leisure (socialization and travel) were reported; and that the portfolio made the service in other establishments safer, although some did not get any benefit from it. The occupational performance of chronic kidney patients is mainly affected in regards to food, work and leisure. The identification card was recognized as a facilitator in assistance in other health services.
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