Sociodemographic aspects and common mental disorders in a town in the state of Minas Gerais
Mental disorders, Women, Health surveys.Abstract
Cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, carried out in residences located in the urban area of the city of Uberaba - MG, Brazil, as part of the Women's Health Survey (Inquérito de Saúde da Mulher), in 2014, that sought to analyze the prevalence of Common Mental Disorder (CMD) and its association with sociodemographic characteristics. The sample consisted of 1,540 women, with ages ranging from 18 to 94 (49.53 ± 17.17) years, with an average of 8.30 (± 5.13) years of education and average per capita income of 774.48 (± 775.67) reais. The prevalence of CMD signs among women was 34.2% (n = 526). Most were in civil unions (51.7%), 55.1% declared themselves white, 41.6% considered themselves to be the heads of their family and 36.2% had a paying job. There was an association of CMD with less years of education (p = 0.001), lower per capita income (p = 0.001), less satisfaction with current living accommodations (p = 0.001) and a greater number of people living in the residence (p = 0.018), as well as insufficient money to meet needs (p = 0.001). The indicative of CMD in women is related to sociodemographic characteristics and quality of life indicators, revealing the impact of social vulnerabilities on the female population and its relation to the development of mental illness.
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