Hospital admissions for the elderly in the extreme north of Brazil




Hospitalization, Public Health, Aged.


This study aims to analyze the main causes of hospital admissions in the elderly population in the state of Roraima in 2019. This is a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, using the database of the Hospital Information System of the Unified Health System. The highest frequency of hospitalization was of males (59.9%). The main causes of hospitalizations between women and men were similar, however, there was an inversion of the order of some causes. In both genders, diseases of the circulatory system and of the respiratory system were the most frequent, as their occurrence increases with age. These results can assist in health strategies and actions aimed at the elderly population, with attention to the management of chronic diseases that represent a long-term challenge.

Author Biography

Gina Borghetti, Universidade Federal de Roraima

Fisioterapeuta. Doutora em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Docente da Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR)


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How to Cite

Borghetti, G. (2021). Hospital admissions for the elderly in the extreme north of Brazil. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 9, 264–270.



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