Influence of high weight on motor development in infants: an integrative review




Obesity, Overweight, Child development, Infant.


This is an integrative review considering the period between the years of 2007 to 2019, aim the knowledge of publications about the influence of overweight or obesity on the motor development of infants. The databases considered were: PubMed, Medical Subject Headings, LILACS, MEDLINE, Biblioteca Cochrane, PEDro and Science Direct and the descriptors: '' obesity '', '' overweight '', '' motor development '' and "infants" . From an initial search of 210 articles, four articles were considered. Studies have shown that having a high weight/age ratio appears to be a risk factor for delayed infant and cognitive development. It is important to monitor the development of the infant with high weight, guide and intervene in order to minimize and prevent changes, taking care that they do not extend and harm the child in school age, and adulthood. The need for further studies on the subject proved to be urgent.

Author Biographies

Carolina Fioroni Ribeiro da Silva, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista em Intervenção em Neuropediatria. Doutoranda em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Roberta Jéssica Silva Pires


Igor de Oliveira Loss, Departamento de Nutrição da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM)

Nutricionista. Mestre em Ciências Biológicas. Doutor em Patologia. Professor do Departamento de Nutrição da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM)

Elaine Leonezi Guimarães, Departamento de Fisioterapia Aplicada da UFTM

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista em Fisioterapia em Neurologia Infantil. Mestre e Doutora em Fisioterapia. Professora do Departamento de Fisioterapia Aplicada da UFTM


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How to Cite

Silva, C. F. R. da, Pires, R. J. S., Loss, I. de O., & Guimarães, E. L. (2020). Influence of high weight on motor development in infants: an integrative review. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 8(4), 933–942.