Professional performance of Social Work in health to enforce rights
Health policy, Social work, Right to health.Abstract
This is a documentary research, carried out in 2017, at Santa Casa de Franca, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, aiming to analyze the work of social workers for the realization of the right to health. From the analysis of the work plan in the care provided, it was found that the work is well structured in this socio-occupational space, guided by principles of the Code of Ethics of the Profession and the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS), committed to expanding access to actions and health services. It is considered that there were setbacks in the scenario of rights and the work space itself, so that social workerS at the institution presented have a significant role and have been facing challenges and limits imposed, as well as building professional responses to the situation. effecting the right to health.
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