Profile and adherence to antiretroviral therapy of people living with HIV/AIDS
HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Health profile, Medication adherence, Antiretroviral therapy, Highly activeAbstract
Cross-sectional and descriptive study, carried out in an infectious and parasitic disease outpatient clinic of a university hospital, located in a medium-sized city in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, carried out in the first semester of 2017. It aimed to identify the profile and levels adherence to antiretroviral drugs for people living with HIV/AIDS. The following were used: Characterization questionnaire elaborated for the research; The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - Short Version; The Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Adhesion to Antirretroviral Treatment - Version in Portuguese; and Nutritional and complementary data questionnaire. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed with frequency distribution and percentage of categorical variables and measures of central tendency and dispersion of continuous variables. 190 people were interviewed, of which 51.6% were men, an average of 44.9 years (+12.0), with low income (64.7%) and low educational level (57.8%). Most had been infected for 10 years or more (54.2%) and had an undetectable viral load (68.9%). According to the pharmacy record and the treatment adherence assessment questionnaire, 11.1% and 69.0% of respondents were considered adherents, respectively. High non-adherence rates were found, reinforcing the importance of services to monitor adherence to antiretroviral drugs for early detection of non-adherence.
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