Prevalence of common mental disorders among workers in psychosocial care centers, alcohol and drugs
Mental health, Health services research, Health personnel, Mental disorders.Abstract
This is a study with a quantitative cross-sectional approach, carried out in the Triângulo Mineiro Region in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2016. It aims to identify the prevalence of common mental disorders among workers at Psychosocial Care Centers - Alcohol and Drugs. The Self Report Questionnaire – 20 was used. 42 professionals participated, of which 81.0% were female; 31.0% were aged 40 to 49 years old; 35.7% had a common mental disorder, with the item feeling nervous, tense or worried, with the highest prevalence (54.7%), followed by sleeping poorly and feeling sad (45.2%). There is a need for interventions in the daily life of these services, aiming to improve working conditions and provide psychosocial support to workers, since the care of the population with mental suffering, to be of excellence and quality, requires satisfied professionals who enjoy good physical and mental health.
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