Perceptions of caregivers about the continuity of care for children with special health needs




Continuity of patient care, Health vulnerability, Child health services


Objective: to know the perceptions of caregivers about the continuity of care for children with special health needs. Methods: qualitative research carried out in a municipality in the sertão of the state of Ceará, Brazil, with caregivers of children with special health needs, from June to August 2020 through semi-structured interviews, and the data were subjected to thematic content analysis. Results: 11 caregivers participated, with an average age of 33.3 years, average income of R$1,360.00, most of them married, and who did not finish high school. In the occupation, 10 caregivers reported that their main task was to take care of the child and carry out domestic obligations. Two categories were constructed: “we are always struggling… since the time he was born, this is his routine: caregivers' experiences and perceptions about the care path”; and “I’ll wherever I must, I’ll do whatever it takes. Feelings of hope and faith that strengthen caregivers”. Caregivers face challenges with constant displacements and waiting times at health services, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hope and faith was configured as sources of support. Conclusion: the challenges and obstacles faced for the continuity of care by the caregivers interfere with the evolution of the child's clinical condition, make the care provided more laborious, manifesting even more the social vulnerability of this public.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, J. P. B., Neves, E. T. ., Pitombeira , M. G. V. ., Figueiredo, S. V. ., Campos, D. B. ., & Gomes , I. L. V. . (2022). Perceptions of caregivers about the continuity of care for children with special health needs. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 10(4), 718–731.



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