The functional bandage in the control of edema by the occupational therapist: case study
Athletic Tape, Angioedema, Occupational therapyAbstract
Objective: to verify the effectiveness of functional bandage as a complement to the treatment of occupational therapists in the control of edema. Methods: descriptive and exploratory case study carried out between September and October 2018, in a public hospital. Functional bandage was applied with evaluation of edema before and after application. Results: a female patient, 46 years old, with femoral shaft fracture participated in the study. In the first evaluation, a circumference of 65.5 cm was found in the swollen segment and, after the use of the bandage, there was a reduction of 4 cm. The second participant was male, 30 years old, had a fracture of the distal diaphysis of the tibia, initially presenting a circumference of 31 centimeters and, after using the bandage, there was a decrease of 2 centimeters. Conclusion: it was observed effectiveness in the use of the bandage in edema, with improvement in analgesia, independence and performance of occupations.
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