Assessment of the occupational performance of people with multiple sclerosis
Occupational therapy, Activities of daily living, Multiple sclerosisAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the occupational performance of people with MS in the categories of self-care, productivity and leisure. Methods: quantitative cross-sectional study, carried out from November 2021 to April 2022, using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. Results: 115 occupations were considered difficult to perform, with 42 occupations (36.5%) in the “Self-care” category, 34 (29.5%) in the “Productivity” category and 39 (33.9%) in the “Leisure” category. Among the subcategories, the most cited occupations were “Household management” 21 (18.2%), “Active recreation” 21 (18.2%) and “Functional mobility” 20 (17.3%). Occupations related to “Functional mobility” and “Household management” received the lowest performance rates (averages of 5.2). Furthermore, these occupations also received the lowest satisfaction ratings, being 4.7 and 5.1 respectively. Conclusion: the functional disabilities of Multiple Sclerosis impacted performance and satisfaction in the occupation categories: Self-care, Productivity and Leisure.
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