Diversity, equity and inclusion in hospital organizations and the role of the manager: scoping review
Diversity, equity, inclusion, Hospitals, Health personnel, Health manager, LeadershipAbstract
Objective: to investigate the diversity, equity, and inclusion practices implemented for workers in hospital organizations, focusing on the role of the manager. Methods: this is a scoping review, using five databases: Nursing Database; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied; Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, PubMed, and SCOPUS, with no language restrictions, from 2019 to February 2024. Results: 13 studies were considered, of which eight articles came from the United States (61.53%). From the studies, three categories were constructed: Inclusive Leadership and Management Strategies; Capacity Building and Training; and Organizational Policies and Structures. A growing trend was observed in organizations and managers towards diversity, equity, and inclusion of hospital workers, as part of their administrative practices. Conclusion: the incorporation of educational strategies until the creation of solid policies enables awareness on the topic, with a view to more fair, inclusive, productive and harmonious work environments, which consequently reflects on the quality of assistance provided to users.
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