Extended visit as a therapeutic strategy for elderly people in intensive care units: experience report
Intensive care unit, Delirium, Humanization of assistance, Nursing, teamAbstract
Objective: to describe the experience of extended visits by the nursing team as a therapeutic strategy for elderly people hospitalized in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Method: This is a descriptive experience report, carried out using the observation technique in the General ICU of a teaching hospital in the Northeast of Brazil, experienced by the nursing team as a therapeutic approach for elderly people hospitalized during the month of April/2024, documenting the implementation of the Extended Visit. Results: the results indicate that this intervention significantly improved patients' behavior, sleep quality and duration, and reduced anxiety and delirium levels. Conclusion: The experience reinforced the importance of the institution's humanization policy, promoting the integration of family members in the care of critically ill patients. The Extended Visit proved to be an effective strategy in reducing delirium symptoms in elderly people, contributing to improving the clinical status and general well-being of patients.References
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