Analysis of complaints and possible vocal symptoms in community health agents
Community Health Agents, Occupational Health, Work Conditions and voice., Community Health Agents, Occupational Health, Work Conditions, VoiceAbstract
The duties of Community Health Agents (CHAs) place them as professionals who use their voice as a work tool. Communication is essential for the daily exercise of their functions, since it facilitates relationships within and outside the Family Health Unit (FHU). Therefore, some type of vocal impairment may develop. Objective: to analyze the vocal complaints of CHAs as well as their possible vocal symptoms. Methodology: cross-sectional study with 64 CHAs working in a Health District of a capital city in the Northeast. As a collection instrument, a self-administered questionnaire was used, consisting of two sections: one related to sample characterization (sociodemographic and work data) and another with questions about occupational risks. The SPSS 20.0 software was used to systematize the results. Results: most participants were female, married, had completed high school, had taken a qualification course, lived in the micro-area where they worked, and worked 40 hours per week. 48% of the CHAs classified their voice as good. The most frequent vocal symptoms were sore throat and cough/clearing of the throat, in the physical domain of the Vocal Symptoms Scale (VSS). In general, the other complaints were mentioned with very low frequency or were not indicated at all. Conclusion: vocal complaints and symptoms are rarely reported since the voice issue is not a commonly discussed topic among CHWs, which can lead to a lack of knowledge about their communication tool, which directly reflects on their vocal self-perception.
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