aquatic ecosystem, phytoplankton, taxonomyAbstract
Microalgae are organisms that play an important role in the stability of aquatic ecosystems, serving not only as the foundation of the food chain in aquatic environments but also contributing significantly to the oxygen available in the Earth's atmosphere. Despite the high diversity of freshwater microalgae, there is a scarcity of comprehensive taxonomic studies on these organisms. Therefore, the objective of this study was to conduct a taxonomic survey of freshwater microalgae in two watercourses that run through the region of the Federal Institute Goiano - Campus Ceres. Collections and identification of morphological characters were carried out in a laboratory setting to assess the diversity of phytoplankton. Sampling was performed using periphytic, metaphytic, and planktonic algae. Collections were made at ten points along the two sample streams over two consecutive months. Identification was conducted using an optical microscope, with support from specialized literature. A total of 25 taxa were identified, distributed across 6 classes, 12 orders, 18 families, and 24 genera, belonging to the divisions Bacillariophyta, Charophyta, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, and Heterokontophyta. The results obtained indicate significant phycological representation in the region, which will serve as a basis for future studies in the area, still relatively few in the Cerrado region.
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