The current Brazilian energy model: 2016 to 2020
Brazil, Sustainable Development, Energy, Renewable EnergyResumo
Power production growth in Brazil is a reality. Therefore, it is necessary carrying out analyses about energy sources to achieve sustainable and feasible development. A country with huge hydroelectric potential has the production of clean energy in comparison to other energy sources as positive feature. Observing the power generation sector’s origin, and comparing and understanding its dynamics, are duties of both the State and the community. The aim of the review in the present article is to objectively understand the Brazilian energetic potential and its several sources. Accordingly, a bibliographic review was conducted to better understand the Brazilian energetic scenario. Brazil accounts for the biggest biodiversity on the planet, as well as for having great climatic variety, such as equatorial, tropical and altitude tropical, sub-tropical, semiarid and Atlantic tropical climate. Brazilian power supply is in the hands of big power plants, like hydroelectric, thermo-electric, wind and solar plants. Hydroelectric plants correspond to approximately 59% of the country’s total installed capacity; moreover, it is often presented as clean and renewable energy source. Yet, although there is much to be developed when it comes to the sustainability of the hydroelectric source, it remains as the most feasible and cleanest Brazilian energy channel.
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