Analysis of Urban Stream Water with Effluent Discharge in the West Region of Mato Grosso
Environmental Management, Water Quality Index, Rapid Assessment ProtocolResumo
Between January 9 and 11, 2024, an expedition was conducted across 12 municipalities in the western region of Mato Grosso to assess the water quality of urban streams receiving domestic effluents. For this purpose, the Water Quality Index (WQI) and a Rapid Assessment Protocol (RAP) were used to analyze water pollution and anthropogenic impacts surrounding these watercourses. One water body was selected per municipality. Water samples were collected downstream of the effluent discharge point for both physicochemical and microbiological analyses. Results indicated that some surface water sources were classified as altered or impacted due to the presence of sewage and vegetation cover removal. Variables such as fecal coliforms and phosphorus exceeded legal limits. Additionally, nine municipalities were classified with a poor WQI level. Municipalities with less efficient effluent management exhibited worse water quality. The study concluded that the region faces serious challenges in effluent management and water conservation. The need for investment in sanitation infrastructure and environmental management is highlighted to mitigate negative impacts, protect public health, and preserve local biodiversity.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Thais Cristina Couto Hurtado, Eduardo M. Silva e Silva, Ernandes Sobreira Oliveira Júnior, Wilkinson Lopes Lázaro, Bárbara Ferraz Bühler, Francisco Lledo dos Santos

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