Effect of surface texture on TiAlN coated carbide inserts tools and Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) in turning of SAE 4340 steel
Laser, Texturização, MQL, Torneamento, TiAlNAbstract
Laser surface texturing has become popular method in recent years, its application results in several benefits in different fields, such as machining. In machining, laser texturing can increase the life of cutting tools by increasing the adhesion of ceramic coatings on the substrate. In addition, the ordered texture of the surface can change the interaction between the tool and the part in the cutting zone, both for dry and for cutting fluid machining. The goal of this work is to compare through tool life tests and surface finishing of the machined part in dry turning of SAE 4340 steel and with application of flood cutting fluid and MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication), surface modified carbide inserts of ISO P grade by means of laser texturing and blasting, and then coated with TiAlN (Titanium Aluminium Nitride). The results showed a better performance in the life tests of the blasted textured inserts, and a better finish of the turned part with the use of the TiAlN coating, both for the sandblasted and laser textured substrate in relation to the uncoated tool. The application of cutting fluid by MQL proved to be efficient in life tests, increasing the tool life, exceptionally, in the TiAlN-sandblasted tool. In surface finishing tests, measuring the average arithmetic roughness (Ra), the application of MQL was not efficient. The superficial characterization by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) showed that the TiAlN-laser tool suffered an early detachment of the coating, which probably justifies its poor performance in life tests.
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