Características de produção e teor de bixina em genótipos de urucueiros (Bixa orellana L.) em função da propagação
Corante Natural, Urucum, Melhoramento GenéticoAbstract
The annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is a perennial plant, characteristic of the Amazon region, belonging to the Bixaceae family. Its economic interest is due to the seed's specific reddish pigment, bixin. Its market corresponds to approximately 90% of the total consumption of natural dyes in the country. Given its economic and social importance, the objective of this work was to evaluate the production characteristics and bixin content in annatto genotypes, seeking a better propagation method and a more productive genotype. The experiment was conducted on a farm in Porto Seguro-BA; the treatments were formed by two genotypes, which were multiplied via asexual and sexual; the design was randomized blocks in a 2x2 factorial scheme, with 5 replications and 7 useful plants per plot. The harvests were carried out 350, 498 and 669 days after planting, when a qualitative analysis of the dehiscence of the capsules was made and the number of monocasia per plant was counted; monocasians were collected and subsequently determined the number of capsules per monocasium; length (cm) and width (cm) of the capsules; number of seeds per capsule; mass of one hundred grains; bixin content; grain yield and total bixin yield. The data obtained were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. The genotypes show dehiscence of the capsules; plants propagated by cuttings anticipated the reproduction stage; the production characteristics show differences between the genotypes and, in the second harvest, the genotypes presented a bixin content higher than 4.5%.
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