Effects of peat bog humic substances and organic compounds in water retention of substrates


  • Rafaela Dias de Aragão Freire http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5580-6800
  • Alexandre Christófaro Silva
  • Wellington Willian Rocha
  • José Sebastião Cunha Fernandes
  • Múcio Magno de Melo Farnezi



Palabras clave:

matéria orgânica do solo, humina, ácidos húmicos, hidrofilia,


Peat bogs and organic compounds present high water retention capacity due to the presence of humic substances. This study aimed to quantify water retention of substrates composed by humin and humic acids extracted from peat bog and organic compound of textile industry waste. Firstly, sand was sieved and divided into fine and medium texture sand. After, the sand was blended in with both humin and humic acids, extracted from peat bogs and organic compounds, to compose further tested substrates. For that, the following proportions were performed: 100% humic substances; 75% humic substances plus 25 % sand; 50 % humic substances and 50% sand; 25% of humic substances with 75 % sand; and 100% sand. Humin is the most prevalent humic substance in both analyzed materials. There were no differences were found in water retentions for substrates with 100% fine and medium sand. Humic acids showed higher water retention when compared to humins. Additionally, humic substances extracted from peat bogs showed higher water retention related to those from organic compounds. We must highlight the substrate with 75 % humic substances and 25% sand, which the highest water retentions. Finally, humic acids and the humin exhibit hydrophilic properties and have potential to develop a sustainable organic water-absorbent.

Biografía del autor/a

Rafaela Dias de Aragão Freire

Possui graduação em Engenharia Florestal pela Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (2010) e mestrado em Ciência Florestal pela mesma universidade (2013). Tem experiência na área de Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal.


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Cómo citar

Freire, R. D. de A., Silva, A. C., Rocha, W. W., Fernandes, J. S. C., & Farnezi, M. M. de M. (2018). Effects of peat bog humic substances and organic compounds in water retention of substrates. REVISTA BRASILEÑA DE CIENCIA, TECNOLOGÍA E INNOVACIÓN, 2(1), 53–62. https://doi.org/10.18554/rbcti.v2i1.992