Clinical and laboratorial parameters analysis related to atopy in children from urban and rural zones
The objective this study was analyze the expression of allergy (dermatitis, rhinitis and/or asthma) e relate it to the incidence of parasites’ infections. A clinical study was made on children from 2 to 15 years old inhabiting urban or rural zone. The evaluation was made by the ISAAC adapted quiz and laboratorial exams - counting of IgG4, total IgE and specific to Derp 1 2, Per a7, mite’s tropomyosin and from Ascaris, eosinophil counting and parasitologyc feces’ exam. The prevalence of parasite infections was reduced on the studied population, but was elevated in the population resident at rural zone. It observed correlation between the total concentration of IgE and the relative eosinophil counting. The occurrence of allergies or the precedence of the people wasn’t related to laboratorial alterations, nor to reactivity to parasite and environmental antigens, due to the fact that the studied city with low social, environmental and climatic discrepancies between rural and urban zones.
Descriptors: Hipersensitivity; Immunoglobulin E; Helminths.
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